Hi! I'm Erik.

They say variety is the spice of life, and mine has been nothing short of a zesty salsa dance! ...a Renaissance soul navigating the digital age: one moment I'm decoding the mysteries of a new programming language, the next I'm lost in the nuances of classical art, or unraveling the latest scientific theory.

My knowledge toolkit is as varied as my interests, like a Swiss Army knife bridging digital and classical landscapes. It blends a rich array of skills to create harmonious thoughts and ideas. This fusion shapes not only my thoughts but also my professional endeavors. As a tech enthusiast and a curious explorer across diverse fields, I find joy in melding these worlds.

When I'm not dabbling in new ideas, I'm building awesome custom digital tools, apps, and websites with Cakebar Digital. My work is a reflection of my eclectic mind, a blend of cutting-edge technology and timeless creativity.

So, step right in! Embark on a journey through the corridors of my mind, a place where pixels and puns mingle seamlessly. Witness how my multifaceted ideas transform into delightful realities. Welcome to my world, where every thought is an adventure waiting to be explored!

Erik Richter

What is this about?


My articles

My writing on science, design, culture, food, development, adulting, hobbies, books, and a host of other subjects.


My projects

The actionable items of those things I learn about. Sharing the results of my wins and failures.



Like something on here? Let me know! I'd love to find others who are interested in the same things I am!



The beginning stages of creating a weekly newsletter with interesting things I have read or found.